Over the past decade, SHERRY has helped thousands of women create their new healthy identity. Using her proven 6-week transformation strategies she has helped women make their health non-negotiable after they have neglected their bodies while caring for the people that they love.
These women have said goodbye to their old destructive ways and are now focused on creating a beautiful relationship with food. Ending sugar craving and embracing who foods that keep them young, alive and vibrant.
Despite being a gold medal gymnastic winner three times over, and an avid horseback rider for 17 years, at one point, Sherry tipped the scales at 180 lbs. She was sick of fighting her weight with yo yo diet plans and fitness programs and knew that if her struggles were going to be behind her once and for all, she had to educate herself about not only fitness but nutrition as well. As she says, “You only have one body to last you your whole life! Its life’s most important priority, because it’s the only thing guaranteed to be with us for the whole ride!” Also a firm believer in a balanced-life approach to fitness, Sherry understands that everyone needs to be empowered to be both psychologically and physically fit.